The woman who lost her husband and her daughter in the Peace Mass Transit accident months ago has given an insight of her new life as a widow..Below is what she wrote;
When i found myself in this my new status (widowhood) people made promises but failed me. Some said sorry and left me to my worries and pain alone.
Some will be happy thinking I have fallen and my world have crumbled, #exhales# then the devil will smile and say “let me watch u praise God again after he allowed u pass through this”.
Then I cried, gnashed my teeth, confided myself, also fled severally but In all this, i sat back and reason. If this didn’t happen what would have happened. Then I picked up my bible and searched for the word Widows and then I realised that God gave me so much promises, wow!!
All I do is challenge him with his words and am able to live each day. He said he is the husband to the widows and father to the fatherless chaiiii!!!!. Tell me if I won’t progress in life knowing such promises are from the God that never fails.
Do u know what it is to be a wify to Jesus? My dear ,then I realised I got no worries. All I have to do is have a good relationship with Him, give him praises and worship him in truth and in Spirit and He will move mountains for my sake.? Devil u have lost cos even if I lose everything I cherish God is still God. Happy new week friends.
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