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Must Read : Eliminate Back Fat and Underarm Flab with This 4 Quick Exercises

Have you ever been in situation where you have found the perfect outfit that looks great on you, except the fat on your back and the underarm that don’t look that good? This ‘small’ problem or better said the back bulge around the bra area is not fun to deal with.

Fat back before and after treatment. Vector illustration.

The good news is that with just little extra effort you can feel confident in your own body. And the clothes you wear too.

Below we are going to present you 4 exercises that are created for the shoulders and upper back and will bring back your self-esteem. You can feel sexy again, in only 3 weeks.
So, are you ready? Let’s start!

Push and Touch targets your chest, shoulders, and upper back.
First of all you need to stand with feet shoulder width apart, arms down by your sides with palms facing forward. After that, raise your arms up to shoulder height, with palms to the celling. Now stop and feel the burn. You should slowly raise your arms over your head, palms facing behind you. Then, slowly return your arms to shoulder level, make a short pause, and lower to starting position. It is important not to move any other part of your body for maximum gain.

For best results do 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps.

Bent-over circular row targets your biceps, chest, mid-back, and upper back.
Start with slightly bending of your knees, while you are keeping your abs engaged for support. You need to bend forward so that your upper body is parallel to the floor. Don’t forget to keep hands extended toward the floor. Now, you need to circle your arms slowly to the left, up and toward your chest, over to the right, and down. After that, repeat the circle to the right.

You need to do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Crisscross reverse fly targets your upper back and shoulders.
Start with your knees slightly bent. You should lean your torso forward about 45-degrees. Next step is to cross your arms at the wrists in front of the knees. Then, slowly lift your arms to shoulder height and back down to starting position and then repeat with opposite hands crossed.

For optimal results do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Elbow Kiss targets your shoulders and chest.
First you should raise arms at your sides to shoulder height while palms are faced up. Next step is to bend elbows to a 90 degree angle and pull arms together in front of your chest until your elbows “kiss” and forearms touch. It is important not to raise your shoulders during this process. Now, return to starting position slowly by reversing the steps.
You should do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

In order to achieve best results, it is recommended to perform these exercises for 12 minutes 3 times a week, in a period of 3 weeks.

Don’t wait, start with exercising and get your body in shape!


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