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When I started hearing voices around the house that was when I woke up. I looked at the wall clock and it reads 12:45. Then I remembered that the battery of the clock is bad. It has stopped working for few days now.
I picked my phone to check the time. Met 7missed calls and 2 text messages. I checked the time…. it’s 9:23am.
2missed calls from Ruka
2missed calls from Bidemi
2missed calls from Motunrayo
1missed call from Sarah.

I was fulfilled when I saw those missed calls. I wished I could be this happy everyday.
The two messages are from Ruka and Sarah.

I read Ruka’s message first.
“I’m sorry for calling late yester-night. I know that you would have been sleeping. I called to remind you of my audition. The date still remains, Tuesday. Thanks.”

I dint even bother reading the text from Sarah. I dialled Ruka’s number and she picked.

Ruka: hello… good morning
Me: hello… morning… how was your night?
Ruka: very good and yours?
Me: splendid… thanks for asking.
Ruka: (giggles) my pleasure… I hope you got my text.
Me: Yes…. immediately I read it that’s when I called.. I’m sorry for not picking your calls yester-night and today.
Ruka: it’s okay….
Me: so…. have you decided what you are going to do with my heart now?
Ruka: I thought we’ved agreed that after the audition. I just hope things turns out well before then.
Me: (confused) What do you mean?
Ruka: Who’s the lady that brought you home yesterday?
Me: She’s my mums friend. My mum sent me to her place to collect something from her. She was not at home when I got there. So I had to wait. She came back late and she insisted on

dropping me over.
Ruka: Okay oooo… that Lady doesn’t seems old to me.
Me: (laughing) I don’t know of her age but she’s much older than two of us.
Ruka: (laughing) just want to let you know that I saw you with someone.
Me: hope I have explained myself?
Ruka: (giggles) yes but not really convinced.
Me: Okay oooo… I’m not like that ooo
Ruka: that’s what you all say… once we starts dating; everything will change.
Me: (laughing) have we started dating now?
Ruka: hmnnnnn…. not really but your behaviour would determine your question after the audition.
Me: Okay oooo. …

We talked extensively for 23mins before ending the call.

I think she likes me but just wants to pull my legs till Tuesday. I will wait but that leaves me with three days to win the bet. No qualms…
I just hope she won’t be like Bidemi o. I just pray.

I read Sarah’s text and she just wanted to say “hello”.

I took my bath and I headed for Bidemi’s house but not after I deleted my dialled numbers and love messages.

Bidemi’s house is now “Fuji house of commotion”. I pray all goes well today.

To Be Continued…

Fans… What do you expect? What are your predictions? Oya oooo



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