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I was truly walking away when Kikelomo called out my name. I looked back and she said “do you have all the requirements for opening a new bank account?”

Me: Yes
Kikelomo: Okay… I will only forgive you only on one condition.
Me: Okay… what condition is that?
Kikelomo: that you would not date either of us.
Me: (looking at Bidemi)… okay…. at least I have my friends back (now Smiling).

We hugged each other and we headed to the bank.

We got to the bank and I filled the required form for the new account. I got my account number and my ATM Card. I deposited TEN thousand naira into my new account.

We spent upto to an hour. Then we headed to the ATM machine to change my new pin.

Me: I don’t know how to use it ooo.
Kikelomo: olodo… let me help you out.

We all laughed as Kikelomo helped in changing the pin to my desired one and also explaining how to operate it.

We are now through with

the bank stuff. I still have more money with me. I suggested we go to KFC around the corner.
We ordered for fried rice and chicken with soft drinks. I took pictures of my new friends and I asked one of the security guard to snap the three of us together eating. It was fun and we are really enjoying ourselves until something dramatic happens…..

Bidemi&Kikelomo na wahala oooo.

To Be Continued…


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